
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bird Watching: Mike's Paul Intro coming to the U.S.!

My good friend, Mike Bird, will have his Introducing Paul The Man, His Mission and His Message, hit the bookstores in March 2009.

Many of you will recall the UK InterVarsity Press version entitled: A Bird's eye view of Paul
The man, his mission and his message
. I admit, I much prefer the U.S. title, as this latter is a bit corny (despite the corny title to this blog post!). Also the U.S. cover(on the left) is superior to the U.K.'s (on the right):

In any case, way to go mate! Looks like a must have.


  1. Matt,

    Thanks for this. Believe it or not this is the first time that I've seen the IVP-USA cover of my book!

  2. Thanks for the info Matt, I'll have to keep an eye open for that book.
    I'd have to agree with you about the US cover art.
