
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Craig Koester Lectures on Revelation

Craig Koester, Professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary, has had one of the best websites for New Testament studies for quite some time now.

Koester, who is known for his various contributions to Johannine studies, including the eagerly anticipated Revelation commentary in the Anchor Bible Series (Yale), has 18 lectures available on the aforementioned Apocalypse on his website. Unfortunately, they do not seem to be downloadable in a MP3 or iTunes format (Believe me, I have tried!). If someone figures this out let me know!



  1. Koester also has other audio for his general course Gen to Rev at

  2. All you do is click play on each file, and after about 30 seconds it will completely download into your temp files folder. Then you just click on internet explorer properties, settings, view files,
    and there is your temp files folder. Then you just click refresh at the top, and youll see the file. You just copy it to another folder and rename it. Then you will do that for each file until you have them all. It only takes about 20 minutes. Remember to click refresh each time, or you wont see the latest file that downloaded into the temp file folder. Once you get used to this, you can do it for anything, even undownloadable video files. Then if you have a good file converter, whichyou can find for freeif you look hard enough, you can even get flv video and mp4 files and convert them to mp3.
    There is rarely a file that I cant figure out how to download and save.

  3. I should have added that the files that download into your temp folder are already in the mp3 format, no need to convert them. You just need to know how to find your temp folder, which I explained in the earlier comment posting. I suppose you don't need to rename them, but if you want to remember exactly what they are, it helps to do so.
    My speaking of getting a file converter would only apply to files that download into your temp folder that arent already in the
    mp3 format. I have had that happen with certain videos which dowload as flv files, and a file coverter will change it into an mp3 for you quite easily.

  4. The files are located here:

    You simply need to change the "session_1.mp3" to "session_2.mp3" etc., until you've got all the sessions.

    I'm downloading them now and looking forward to hearing them.
