
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Good Trip to Half-Price

The other day Ben Witherington gave Christopher Bryan's Render to Caesar: Jesus, The Early Church, and The Roman Superpower a stellar review commenting among other things that "I would rate this as one of the ten best books written about the NT in the last ten years." When one considers the source, this is high praise indeed.

I decided after running a few errands to visit the local Half-Price bookstore. Well, guess what I found? You guessed it, Render to Caesar! What's more, the book, which retails at $35.00, was marked down to $9.98 and further marked down to $6.98!

This should be a great read, considering Witherington's strong endorsement, and a couple of blurbs on the back of the dusk jacket from N.T. Wright and Daniel Harrington.


  1. I've been seeing that there for a while and wondering if it was any good. I may just have to pick it up next time I'm there (which will probably be later this week since I go every week, sometimes twice).

    I've found so many great buys there on new books that have been significantly marked down because they were overstock books. A couple of most recent ones were "Christology in the Making" by Dunn and "The Concept of Biblical Theology" by Barr.

    Bryan L

  2. Great find! Unfortunately there aren't any of those stores in Georgia.

  3. Hey Bryan and Brandon. Thanks for stopping buy.

    Half-Price is valuable insofar as you can come of gems once in awhile. There are probably just as many if not more times that I walk out empty handed.

    One other thing I have recently discovered to have some good values is ebay. I paid $16.00 and no shipping for Grant Osborne's Revelation commentary (BECNT). I also purchased Fee's 1 Corinthians classic for $24 (NICNT) and Barnett's 2 Corinthians (NICNT) for $18.

  4. I guess I am still in book shopping mode... 'stopping buy': LOL!
