
Monday, March 15, 2010

Exodus Commentaries

I am looking for some recommendations on Exodus commentaries. Currently, I am borrowing Fretheim's in the Interpretation series, Sarna's JPS and Propp's Anchor.

What recommendations do you have?


  1. THere's always Child's OTL commentary. It's dated, but a classic in many respects.

  2. I really like W. Brueggemann in the New Interpreter's Bible series. Also, Brevard Childs OTL 1974 commentary is a classic and always worth consulting.

  3. In the selected bibliography of 'The Art of Reading Scripture,' edited by Hays and Ellen Davis, the only commentary on any book of the Bible that gets recommended as an excellent example of reading Scripture theologically is Brevard Child's on Exodus, which is in the OTL series. I wish I still had a copy of the book handy to tell you what they wrote in their comment about it.

  4. definitely check out Enns' NIVAC Exodus commentary. I can't emphasize enough how helpful it is! If you have an interest in digging through the book with an eye to slowly reading it in Hebrew, check out Houtman in the HCOT. It's three volumes, and is comprehensive!
