
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dan Hawk series on Joshua

Dan Hawk, who was one of my professors of OT at Ashland, has a series on Allan Bevere's blog (another former professor of mine) concerning a new volume he has authored, Joshua in 3-D (Wipf and Stock ).  I can think of no better person to address the thorny issues that the narrative of Israel's conquest of Canaan presents. What's more is that Dan is able to apply this narrative to the narrative of America, namely the ideology of Manifest Destiny. I would encourage all who can to pick up Dan's book being offered at a 40% discount exclusively through Allan's blog for a limited time. Do check it out!


  1. Hi, Matt... thanks for linking the series. I want to clarify that the 40% discount applies to readers of my blog alone. Those who want the discount need to go to my blog and read the post on Joshua in 3-D for the information on what to to.

    Thanks again for linking the series.

  2. Hey, Allan.

    Thanks for the clarification. I will amend the post to reflect this.



  3. Thanks, Matt... I just didn't want folks going directly the website with no idea how to get the discount.

  4. Thanks for linking to my post, Matt, and for the kind words. I look forward to your feedback!
