
Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Birthday Present

I got some money for my birthday, and like I always do, I take stock of what is lacking in my library.

This year's choice was Peter O' Brien's Hebrews commentary. I have enjoyed O'Brien's contributions to the commentary genre in the past (e.g. Ephesians, Philippians), so I am eager to glean more from this great scholar.

I am still awaiting this purchase, so in the meantime I'd like to get your thoughts on this. Have any of you had a chance to read or least peruse this offering?


  1. Hi, I just happened upon your blog :)
    I'm not familiar with this book, but may I recommend another? given your interest in the book about the Jewish roots of the eucharist, I highly recommend most anything by Kenneth Baily, but especially "Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes". The author is a believer and scholar who grew up in the Middle East. Most of his works are cultural/linguistic studies and shed some light on aspects of the gospels that we (ok, I) may not otherwise consider. He has also done extensive work on the parable of the prodigal son and Luke 15 in general.

    Happy studying!


  2. "I have enjoyed O'Brien's contributions to the commentary genre in the past (e.g. Ephesians, Philippians), so I am eager to glean more from this great scholar." Very well said!
