
Monday, October 25, 2010

What I am Up To: Ephesians Cubed

I am having a great time meandering my way through three great resources on Ephesians of late.

First, I must say I am finding William Larkin's handbook on Ephesians to be of great value on technical exegetical matters. I would also say that this would be a great resource for anyone wanting to memorize the text of Ephesians in Greek.

Second, being used in tandem with Larkin, is Frank Thielman's offering in the BECNT series. Here, one can find great in depth exegetical discussions as well as relevant background information. This combined with Thielman adopting some fresh insights (e.g. περιποίησις rendered as "remnant" in 1.14; (84-86), makes Thielman's Ephesians a must have commentary on this letter.

Last but not least is Tim Gombis' The Drama of Ephesians: Participating in the Triumph of God. Gombis rightly in my view, sees Ephesians through the lens of divine warfare. The "powers" have hijacked God's good creation, Christ has triumphed over these powers, and in short, has invited us through his triumph, via his death and resurrection, to participate in redeeming his creation for his glory.

I will have much more to say about these resources in due course, so stay tuned.

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