
Friday, November 26, 2010

Durham Dissertations Online!

I found a wonderful resource tonight as I stumbled upon a site called Durham e-Theses. From the Theology and Religion department are 29 theses that can be accessed. Ben Blackwell's, John Goodrich's, Jason Maston's, Kyle Wells', and Jonathan Worthington's theses all pose an interest to yours truly. Please do check this out. What a great resource!


  1. I'm so glad you found that resource for Durham's e-theses. What are your interests that correspond with Ben's, Jason's, Kyle's, and my theses? I'd love to hear more, and (depending on the life-situation in which the Lord has you right now) I'd also encourage you to pursue that PhD in New Testament studies!

  2. It's great to hear that you are finding Durham's e-theses helpful! What are you intrigued by in Ben's, Jason's, Kyle's, and my dissertations?
