
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Greg Beale's New Testament Theology

  Over the past few years, several good New Testament Theologies have appeared on the scene. Frank Thielman, Tom Schreiner, and Ben Witherington are three contributors to this ever-growing field of publication. Add to this list, Greg Beale, Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary.

Although I have yet to discover many of the concrete details, I do know this information:

Beale, Gregory K. New Testament Biblical Theology: Transformation of the Old Testament in the New. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, Forthcoming in Fall 2011.  In addition, the cost will be $58.59, and the cover will look like this:

I am anxious to see this publication. Beale is known for his intertextual work, so his approach as suggested in the title, should fill a void in NT Theologies.


In addition to the above-mentioned info on Beale's NT Theology I have also found the page count: 992, and the price listed on Amazon as $54.99, with a pre-buy special weighing in at $34.64!

Moreover, thanks to Daniel Doleys of Text, Community& Mission, for alerting me to a video of Beale on YouTube where he mentions his NT Theology at the 4:34-4:49 mark of the clip. check it out here:


  1. Matt,
    Thanks for posting this. I just saw a video with Beale for WTS on Youtube and he mentioned a NT theology he had written. I thought I was going crazy since I had not heard of it nor could I find it anywhere online. I can't wait!

  2. I have the audio of a NT Theology class that Beale taught at Gordon-Conwell years ago, and I think he mentioned working on this book in that class (it's at least a decade old). Two things he'll combine, if I were to guess: OT in the NT and eschatology. Can't wait.

  3. Thanks for the tip. I have Beale's and Carson's "Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament" and treasure it.

    On the YouTube video clip of Beale I think he said the first hundred pages of his NT Theology review OT theology, which, of course, reinforces the idea that the NT and OT are incredibly woven together. I love how he emphasizes this.
