
Friday, January 27, 2012

Follow Up on Rikk Watts: Audio Resources

In the prior post, I pointed to a video clip of an advanced exegesis course on Mark that Rikk Watts of Regent College was teaching. Rikk is also writing the replacement volume on Mark for the NICNT series. I also mentioned in that post I was listening to a course that he taught on Mark. This course can be purchased at Regent Audio here. I managed to purchase the series when it was half-price. Regent Audio generally runs weekly specials and all one needs to do is to sign up for their mailing list to get the notices. What's great about this class is it also came with a 70 pp. PDF class notes from Watts himself. Really great stuff here, and well worth the price.

If one cannot afford these audio resources, there is another option.  Watts also taught some Mark sessions at the Rock Garden than can be dowloaded free here and Isaiah here. There are other classes as well, but I mention the above two as representative of some major work Rikk has written concerning both, particularly his revised dissertation Isaiah's New Exodus in Mark.


1 comment:

  1. This is great. Thanks Matthew. I have listened to Watts stuff from Regent, and I have his books, but I didn't know about Rock Garden.
