
Friday, March 9, 2012

Blogging Milestone: 100,000 Visitors at Last!

I have finally reached a milestone on this blog of sorts. Back on November 22, 2007, I launched this blog after previously blogging at Pauline Perspectives. It was a conversation on the plane ride home from SBL, where Allan Bevere told me that I ought to reconsider my blog by making it more expansive, as blogging on things Pauline was helpful, but at the same time, rather limited.

I realize that compared with other blogs, 100,000 visitors is rather minute, but I am very grateful to those of you who have visited this blog, those of you who time after time have returned even when there have been long periods of inactivity, and those of you who have linked my blog with yours. I am honored and humbled that you would see fit to visit this blog and I hope that you have found value in what has been presented here.

Cheers to you all! Here's to the next 100,000!


  1. well i rather like your focussed blog, because it doesn't fill my reader up with irrelevant nonsense (perhaps unlike my own blog) and you also seem to be great at finding stuff no one else has linked to. so please keep up the good work.

