
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mike Halcomb "Enters the Fray"

We stand on the shoulders of giants. No one understands this more than my good friend, and fellow-biblioblogger, Mike Halcomb (T. Michael W. Halcomb in scholarly parlance!), with his new book Entering the Fray: A Primer on New Testament Issues for the Church and the Academy. As one can tell by the subtitle, Mike has a passion for making scholarly issues relevant to the church, and is truly working hard to build a bridge between the two. It should be noted that Halcomb has co-written another book, called People of the Book: Inviting Communities into Biblical Interpretation, that invites reading communities into the task of biblical interpretation.

Regarding Entering the Fray, Mike not only lays out the "who's who" in the history of biblical scholarship, but all the major issues, making this the ideal go-to book for lay readers, students, pastors, and dare I say, scholars?  Further, Mike has created a handy companion website for the book, that includes video, timelines, etc...  So, do yourself a favor and "enter the fray."

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