
Thursday, December 27, 2012

NIV Greek-English New Testament

Zondervan Academic is probably the most prolific publisher of biblical language tools, whether they be grammars, dictionaries, original language texts, etc.

One recent addition, the NIV Greek and English New Testament (NIVGENT), joins this ever-growing Zondervan stable of language resources. This volume is not an interlinear, nor is it a reader's edition, but is most familiarly categorized as a diglot. Before I get into what I most appreciate about this volume, allow me to lay out some of the particular features that make the NIVGENT , a unique and useful resource.

First, one should know that the base Greek text of the NIV (NIVGT) is not identical to the NA27/UBS4 (or NA28, for that matter). There is some 231 occasions where the NIVGT differs from the standard eclectic texts (Introduction, i). Admittedly, this is not that significant, but one should still take notice to not equate these base texts. Where these differences do occur, the NIVGENT is careful to point them out:

Matthew 7 in the NIVGENT

As one can see in the above example taken from Matthew 7, the footnotes a and b contain information on how the NIVGENT differs from the UBS4.

Another great feature of the NIVGENT is the Mounce Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament, which is included at the back of the volume (815-962). Here, the reader can find the Greek word, the number of occurences and a definition given in italics. In addition, OT references are given in parentheses and an asterisk indicated that every NT occurence has been referenced.

Now, for my favorite part of the volume, the layout of the Greek and English texts. First, they are juxtaposed and also include sectional headings from the NIV on both the Greek and English pages as seen on the example below.  I found that the layout is key to a decent diglot, especially when the typical reading helps included in a reader's version are absent.
Further, all of the footnotes in the NIV apparatus are included at the bottom of the English side.

In my estimation, the NIVGENT continues to advance the long-line of excellent Zondervan Greek tools. One should find a place on the shelf for this volume.

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