Craig R. Koester, professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minn., recently gave the 2013 Schaff Lectures (March 22, 2013 at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary) entitled: “The Apocalypse, Archaeology, and the Dead Sea Scrolls.”
The videos from these can be viewed below:
“From Patmos to Laodicea: The Crisis of the Ordinary in Revelation 1-3”
“The Beast and Babylon: The Political and Economic World of Revelation 13-18”
“New Jerusalem: God’s City and Ancient Cities in Revelation 21-22”
Koester is one of the top Johannine scholars in the world and has a highly-anticipated commentary on Revelation coming out in the Anchor Yale series, a volume in which David deSilva told me will be the best commentary on Revelation when it is published.
Matthew- Thank you for bring these lectures to our attention. I listened to all three and they were each outstanding.