
Friday, January 24, 2014

Raymond Brown's Legacy on Johannine Studies: An Article by Paul Anderson

Paul N. Anderson
One of the highest compliments I can pay a scholar is that each time I read something that he/she writes I inevitably learn something (sometimes, a lot). Paul Anderson, Professor of Biblical and Quaker Studies George Fox University, is one of those scholars. Paul was kind enough to point me to an article he wrote for the online journal, Biblical Interpretation, on Raymond Brown's legacy within Johannine scholarship. The article, "The Community that Raymond Brown Left Behind: Reflections on the Johannine Dialectical Situation," is a fantastic primer on Ray's impact on the field and where both points of continuity and discontinuity of his work continue to this day.

The article's link and download can be found on the "Recollections of Ray" page near the bottom. Enjoy!

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