
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Leon Morris and the Quote of the Day: The Triumphant Christ

Leon Morris, in his important book, The Cross in the New Testament, discusses the important role of the cross in both Matthew and Mark (13-62). Towards the end of this discussion, Morris notes that as significant as the cross is to both Gospels, it is the resurrection that demonstrates the totality of Christ's victory over the powers of evil. He writes:

Jesus knew that He would die. But He was in perfect command of the situation. He knew that the death He was dying was the worst that the forces of evil could do to Him, and He knew that He would rise triumphant. He said that He would rise, and He made His words good. The last picture that the Gospels give us of Jesus is that of the Mighty Conqueror. Matthew tells us that He commissioned His followers to preach the gospel and to make disciples, adding, 'Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world' (Mt. 28:20; cf. Mk. 16: 15ff.). His triumph does not cease. It continues in the mission of His followers. The eschatological discourse in Mark 13 envisages struggle and difficulty for Christian men until the end of time. But the dominant thought is not difficulty. It is the final triumph of Christ. 
(Leon Morris, The Cross in the New Testament [Grand Rapids: MI; Eerdmans; 1965; repr. 1999; italics mine]), 58.

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