
Friday, October 16, 2015

Murray Harris' Advice for Learning Greek

One approach I have used in the past to improve my facility in reading Greek was to dedicate myself to memorization of key passages and or complete letters, i.e. my start and stop relationship with memorizing Philippians.

I was delighted to read a brief interview with the great exegete, Murray Harris regarding his latest offering on John in the Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament. When asked what study habits he has found most useful in his decades of research and study Murray states:

 As for the study habit that has proved most helpful in my academic career, it is this. There is no better way to become proficient in Greek, to gain a “feel” for the language, and to become enriched by the theology of the New Testament than the regular memorization of the Greek text. Paste a photocopy of verses or sections of the text on to cards and carefully reflect on it as you go about your daily exercise. 

This statement had provided me with a fresh impetus to try my hand at this once again. After all, if someone the stature of Murray Harris has found this practice helpful, who am I to argue?

For more on this volume and interview, click here.

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