
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Rolling up My Sleeves

Priorities. With life increasingly busy, this word nags at me like an irritating tag in a dress shirt. Many of you know that this blog has been anything but a priority of mine for some time. Frankly, I have not had the itch to engage in the field of NT studies for some time. After a decade plus of trying my best to keep up with the field, I grew weary, as did my desire to pursue Doctoral studies. Too many obstacles, too many occasions of trying to hammer a square peg into a round hole, left me lifeless and listless. I don't blame anyone but me. Did I get too married to the idea that being a scholar was my identity, rather than remembering that my true identity is found in the One who loved me and gave Himself for me? Probably. It is not easy to admit that, but there it is. I had to let go of what I thought my life should be in order to get back to the most fundamental aspect of who I am. This journey is still in process.

Along the way, I found some new passions such as birding and photography. I also rediscovered a gift that I had allowed to remain dormant for approximately twenty years, drawing. I thank God for these new hobbies, as they have reinvigorated me mentally and spiritually. My relationship with God has deepened, taken on new hues, and allowed me to appreciate other facets of life I long neglected. My sense of wonder has returned; my child-like faith is alive.

Prayerfully, I believe now is a good time to relaunch New Testament Perspectives. I do not know what this looks like, exactly. I am not going to set any agendas that are too ambitious. I have done this before and fallen flat on my face. I will post only when I have something to share and about things in which I feel passionate. I don't want to waste my time or yours. Time is too valuable to waste on drivel and boring posts that do not edify or help the writer or the reader.

Well, it's time to roll up my sleeves and get to work. See you soon, I pray!