Baker Academic has a number of interesting volumes due to debut in the fall (just in time again for SBL!)
1) Graham H. Twelftree; People of the Spirit: Exploring Luke's View of the Church: Baker Academic, (Sep. 09). Price:$24.99; ISBN-10: 0-8010-3880-4; 304 pp.
Today's church suffers a crisis of confidence as a result of pluralism, globalism, and postmodernity. Seasoned New Testament scholar Graham Twelftree's historical exploration of Luke's view of the church contributes to the current conversation about what the church is and should do. Twelftree draws together various strands in Luke's Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles to show Luke's profound influence on the church and explain Luke's thought regarding the church's origin, nature, purpose, and mission. A final chapter proposes Lukan conclusions to such debated questions as the relationship between church and salvation; the relationship between the Spirit, water baptism, and glossolalia in Christian initiation; the question of infant baptism; the character of worship; the interplay of Scripture and experience; church structure and leadership; and the nature of Christian mission.
2) Mark Allan Powell; Introducing the New Testament: A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey:Baker Academic, (Oct. 09). Price:$44.99; ISBN-10:0-8010-2868-X; 560 pp.
This highly readable and engaging survey meets a need in the market for an up-to-date New Testament introduction that is appropriate for a broad audience. Professors and students will appreciate how Powell presents disputed and controversial issues fairly, neither dictating conclusions nor privileging skepticism over faith-based perspectives. The book is written in a lively and engaging style and includes helpful sidebars, maps, tables, charts, glossary, diagrams, and suggestions for further reading. In addition, this full-color book includes beautiful artwork illustrating the reception of the New Testament through various times and cultures. A companion website will feature a wealth of additional resources.
This highly readable and engaging survey meets a need in the market for an up-to-date New Testament introduction that is appropriate for a broad audience. Professors and students will appreciate how Powell presents disputed and controversial issues fairly, neither dictating conclusions nor privileging skepticism over faith-based perspectives. The book is written in a lively and engaging style and includes helpful sidebars, maps, tables, charts, glossary, diagrams, and suggestions for further reading. In addition, this full-color book includes beautiful artwork illustrating the reception of the New Testament through various times and cultures. A companion website will feature a wealth of additional resources.
3) Dan G. McCartney; James (BECNT): Baker Academic, (Nov. 09).Price:$39.99;ISBN-10:
0-8010-2676-8; 368pp.
0-8010-2676-8; 368pp.
4) Udo Schnelle and M. Eugene Boring; Theology of the New Testament: Baker Academic, (Nov. 09). Price:$59.99; ISBN-10:0-8010-3604-6; 896pp.
This comprehensive critical introduction combines historical and theological analysis. Schnelle begins with the teaching of Jesus and continues with a discussion of the theology of Paul. He then moves on to the Synoptic Gospels; the deutero-Pauline, catholic, and Johannine letters; and Revelation, paying due attention to authorship, chronology, genre, and canonical considerations. This is an essential book for anyone with a scholarly interest in the New Testament.
5) Lynn H. Cohick; Women in the World of the Earliest Christians: Illuminating Ancient Ways of Life: Baker Academic, (Nov. 09). Price:$26.99; ISBN:0-8010-3172-9; 352 pp.
Lynn Cohick provides an accurate and fulsome picture of the earliest Christian women by examining a wide variety of first-century Jewish and Greco-Roman documents that illuminate their lives. She organizes the book around three major spheres of life: family, religious community, and society in general. Cohick shows that although women during this period were active at all levels within their religious communities, their influence was not always identified by leadership titles nor did their gender always determine their level of participation. The book corrects our understanding of early Christian women by offering an authentic and descriptive historical picture of their lives. Includes black-and-white illustrations from the ancient world.
These are great titles. Thanks for the announcement.
these all look really interesting - I am most interested in the one by Twelftree.
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